Miyerkules, Enero 16, 2013

Home care simulation for student nurses: Medication management in the home

Available online 4 December 2012
Publication year: 2012
Source:Nurse Education Today

Background Preparing students to provide medication management in home care (HC) settings is challenging. Simulation methodology for teaching of complex skills has been successful in other clinical areas. Objectives This study tested a HC simulation model of education and examined student scores on tests of confidence and knowledge in managing medications and pre filling patient medication boxes in a HC setting. Design/settings/participants This quasi-experimental study of pre-licensure nursing students (N=60) enrolled in a Baccalaureate program was conducted at a private university in the Northeastern United States. Methods Bandura's self efficacy instrument was modified to measure confidence in students' knowledge of and skills in pre-filling medication boxes in patient homes. Participants were randomly assigned to control (n=30) or experimental groups (n=30) where both groups received traditional classroom teaching about medication management, and the experimental group also received simulation education. Both groups completed a pre test prior to the medication module. At the end of the module, both groups completed a post test measuring confidence, as well as a multiple choice (MC) test measuring knowledge of medication management skills in HC settings. Results Paired T tests revealed a significant increase in perceived self confidence from pre (mean score=4.6) to post simulation (mean score=8.6) (p<.01). Knowledge test results demonstrated a statistically significant difference overall between groups (p=.02). Conclusions Students have limited access to medication management in HC settings during clinical rotations. This study supports the need for home care focused simulations, especially given errors detected during the simulation experience. Students improved their pre to post test confidence scores and reported the activity was “valuable”, “made them think”, and provided a safe arena for them to learn.

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Patient Protection at Risk in IEC 60601-13rd Edition.

Medical Device Technology; 09/01/2009
(AN 44531428)
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A randomized controlled trial of the effects of brief mindfulness meditation on anxiety symptoms and systolic blood pressure in Chinese nursing students

Available online 20 December 2012
Publication year: 2012
Source:Nurse Education Today

Background Previous studies suggested that mindfulness meditation effectively reduced stress-related anxiety and depression symptoms, but no research has evaluated the efficacy of mindfulness meditation in nurses and nursing students in China. Objectives To evaluate the effects of brief mindfulness meditation on the anxiety and depression symptoms and autonomic nervous system activity in Chinese nursing students. Design A randomized controlled trial. Setting A medical university in Guangzhou, China. Participants One hundred and five nursing students were randomly approached by email and seventy-two responded. Sixty recruited students were randomized into meditation and control group (n=30 each) after screening and exclusion due to factors known to influence mood ratings and autonomic nervous system measures. Methods The meditation group performed mindfulness meditation 30min daily for 7 consecutive days. The control group received no intervention except pre–post treatment measurements. The Self-Rating Anxiety Scale and Self-Rating Depression Scale were administered to participants, and heart rate and blood pressure were measured. Pre- and post-treatment data were analyzed using repeated-measures analysis of variance. Results Differences between pre- and post-treatment Self-Rating Anxiety Scale scores were significantly larger in the meditation group than in the control group, but no similar effect was observed for Self-Rating Depression Scale scores. Systolic blood pressure was reduced more after the intervention in the meditation group than in the control group, with an average reduction of 2.2mmHg. A moderate level of anxiety was associated with the maximum meditation effect. Conclusions Brief mindfulness meditation was beneficial for Chinese nursing students in reducing anxiety symptoms and lowering systolic blood pressure. Individuals with moderate anxiety are most likely to benefit from a short-term mindfulness meditation program.

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Online nephrology course replacing a face to face course in nursing schools' bachelor's program: A prospective, controlled trial, in four Israeli nursing schools

Available online 15 January 2013
Publication year: 2013
Source:Nurse Education Today

Background Online learning is growing rapidly worldwide, especially in the health related sectors such as medicine and nursing. Our trial wished to measure the objective (i.e. final exam results, courseware usage patterns) and subjective (satisfaction) efficiency of online vs. face-to-face learning in a prospective, controlled trial, a first of its kind in Israel. Materials and Methods The trial tested a blended online course, teaching introduction to clinical nephrology. The course was filmed and edited into a learning platform to fit computer based learning. 90 nursing students, from 4 bachelor's nursing programs in Israel participated in the study. The intervention group included 32 students who studied using the online course, accompanied by 3 frontal meetings dealing with technical and content issues. The reference group included 58 students from 3 nursing programs, studying in a traditional face-to-face course. Results The final exam results were significantly higher in the intervention group compared with the reference group (9.6±2.57 vs. 8.4±2.72; p<0.05). Student satisfaction was very high in the intervention group: 97% thought the course was well organized, 100% thought the teacher taught clearly and consistently, 90% thought the teacher encouraged self-thinking,100% thought the teacher used clarifying examples, 91% thought the teaching aids helped the learning process and 97% thought the teaching method contributed to the learning process. The average usage of the online course was 4:10h vs. 14 academic hours (10:30h) in the traditional course. The daily usage habits of the courseware were also followed, indicating that most learning took place between 12PM and 1AM, peaking between 5PM and 7PM, and dipping between 3AM and 10AM. Conclusions The online course had higher efficiency compared to the traditional face-to-face course. The subjective feedback of the intervention group proves high satisfaction with online learning.

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Investigation of transmembrane protein fused in lipid bilayer membranes supported on porous silicon

Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology, Volume 37, Issue 1, Page 28-34, January 2013.

Source: http://informahealthcare.com/doi/abs/10.3109/03091902.2012.733056?ai=1lgu&mi=3s94u5&af=R

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Nurses' critical role in identifying sepsis and implementing early goal-directed therapy.

Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing; 06/01/2012
(AN 2011713236)
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